I just wanted to check in. Today I am on day 5 of my stims. Thus far I've been able to have my hubby give me my shots. But after today I have to work 3 night shifts in a row, and my helper can't come with. So today against all my will I have to try and give myself a shot. I have absolutely no problems with needle. I have tattoos and always watch when giving blood. But there is something unnatural about having to stick yourself with a needle. I will get over it and just do it, why? because I have no choice. I know once I do it it isn't going to be that bad.
Tomorrow I go in for more blood work and another ultrasound. They will be checking to see how many follicles I have thus far and see how big they are. I don't really know what to expect. I don't know how many follies there will be or how big they should be, but I guess I find that all out tomorrow.
I feel so good. I thought by this point I'd be such a mess. I figured I would be crying all the time and happy one moment and bitchy the next. I was wrong, I feel positive and happy (other than a small bit of cramps from the folistim I'm on) I really feel great. I guess I could be speeking to soon... I guess we shall see.
Till next time, when I hopefully can report good news of having tons of good sized follies. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
P.S. I just wanted to add That I did it! I gave myself a shot. I really didn't want to but I did and it wasn't that bad. Yippy!!!
I hope there are a lot of follies, wishing you the best of luck! Also, congrats on giving yourself a shot, I'm impressed!