Thursday, April 14, 2011


Here they are.... My 4 wonderful embys.  When we got there we waited about an hour before going back and talking with the doctor.  He came in the room and gives us this picture. As of 6am this morning we had 3 that were 4 cell and 1that was 6 cell.  So we decided to transfer 3.   We wait a little longer then they take me back to the surgical room... and they transferred my little buddies back where they belong. 
Now all we can do is wait, and relax.  I'm so hopeful that this is going to work. I can't wait to be a mommy.


  1. Awesome awesome awesome!! :)

  2. YAY for being PUPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy every minute :)

  3. Yay! Congrats on being at this stage already, they look awesome!
