Today I went to have an ultrasound to see how my follies are growing. I have to admit I had a deep fear that I would have only one or even none. I was way wrong. I'm a super follical grower. I'm only 6 days in on my stims and I have 13 follies so far. I have 6 on the right side, biggest measured 16mm and the smallest measured 11mm. And I have 7 follies on the left, biggest measured 12mm and the smallest measured 7mm. And my RE is positive that by the time I go back on Friday for my next ultrasound I will have many more follies. She even is estimating that I will have my ER (egg retrieval) on Monday. I'm so excited! I'll be PUPO before I know it.
Its was so cool seeing all the follicles, thinking that 1 or even 2 of those will be my future babies.
Yay for good news!!!!