So a few days ago a good friend of mine (who I don't see as often as I should) came into my work. She had "good news" to tell me. She gets a HUGE smile on her face (bigger than I've ever seen) and tells me " I'm Pregnant".
Well a little back story before I go on with the rest of the story... I've known her for 10 years, and even though I love her deeply and will always be there for her, a lot of things she says are very hard to believe. Even though I usually give her the benefit of the doubt (i think that's how the saying goes). oh and she has a 5 year old that was an opps baby. And even though she makes it though and her daughter has everything she want, she knows another child would make it much harder.
Ok back to the part about her telly me she prego. So I try to muster up a smile and give her a hug. She knows I'm not very happy about her news. I quietly say how I wish I could be happier for her and I just don't understand why things like this happen to people who don't want it to and not for the people like me who yearn for it.
So the next bomb drop... She says "but wait, I want you to adopt it". Ok that's wonderful and I would adopt her "baby" in a heart beat. And she knows that. For the rest of the day she sends me a few texts saying things like I hope you are serious about adopting and how she loves me. Meanwhile I tell my hubby and his response is "I'll believe it when i see it, don't get your hopes up".
So not even 24hrs later she texts me and says "I got my period" I reply I'm so sorry and then I haven't heard from her since. I mean was she serious or was it a sick joke? I just don't know why she would joke about that with me.
On a different note... I go Tuesday to talk to my doctor to see what he says about my resent failed IVF. I really hope he has some answers for me. And I hope I can talk my hubby into doing another cycle soon. I guess (like always) I just have to wait and see.
... I have no words